Posuere tellus imperdiet facilisis. Curabitur viverra faucibusy tellus, eu semper nunc finibus placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent vel sem in sem vulputate interdum.
- Online Presence
- Marketing Strategy
- Promote Local Sales
Faace to face event. Usually aim for internal corporate event where all participants know each other.
A seminar or other presentation that takes place on the Internet, allowing participants in different locations to see and hear the presenter, ask questions, and sometimes answer polls.
Posuere tellus imperdiet facilur faucibusy telluemper nufinibus placer Suspen potent.
Product Launching
A special moment when a company introducing their new product to public. It sometimes generate into several session, to journalists, distributors, partners, and end users.
Customer Gathering
Web-based gathering places for customers, experts, partners and others to discuss problems, post reviews, brainstorm new product ideas, and engage with one another about a company’s products, services and brand.
Assessment/ Interview
Online assessment may be defined as an evaluation of a person’s abilities, behaviours and/or characteristics. This test is conducted over the Internet by using available web technologies.
A course made available on a digital platform to provide specific knowledge through videos, text, images and infographics. It can takes 2 hours or even day by day program.
Web-based gathering places for customers, experts, partners and others to discuss problems, post reviews, brainstorm new product ideas, and engage with one another about a company’s products, services and brand.
Don’t let pandemic stop your appreciation to they
A course made available on a digital platform to provide specific knowledge through videos, text, images and infographics. It can takes 2 hous till day by day program.
A hybrid model, while bride and groom held their party in one place, and broadcasting their event to online platform. Invited guest will attend the fete from their own place with their gadget.
Product exhibition which take place in each participant booth/ venue. It broadcast at online platform so attendees can join at their own gadget via video conference software.